
* On 2017-12-19, teleconference via Zoom had technical issues, only myself and Selim Abid could connect, rescheduled for 2017-12-20
* Started with a presentation, took a tour of mobile application
* Tree: is the outside hierarchy
* detail pages (of any directory level for example) are called Boards
* every person in the hierarchy has permission to assign, set priority, and see reports on any one under them
* on a board, no progress will be recorded unless assignments satisfy KPIs
* KPI = Result
* ASSIGMENT = Effort. Things with time lines.
* PRIORITY = list of work/tasks without time constraints
* anybody from the organization can add a priority to anyone, kind of a way to request a service or something from somebody. (I'm concerned that this is subject to abuse)
* Functions (in the app) are the reports, or people reporting under current bard (employees), also called function owners
* Priorities can have tags for categorization
* Best practice in general is 3 levels
  * (1) Strategy
  * (2) Employee Performance
  * (3) Project Monitoring
* The whole system is based on a cascading framework, where everything cascades, like a collection of APIs will satisfy one bigger API
* Signatures, are like an approval that cannot be edited lated, its like a a commitment to do something, like signing a paper sheet with your name (I think)
* There is a Web version : http://web.simplestrata.com/
* They have a Technical Adoption Program (TAP), which is the success criteria for SimpleStrata
* Solution offering is cloud and on premises, and feature and pricing models for each is different, or need to be discussed.



Is like the main page of a person or a function, contains

* Name and picture
* Progress bar
* Priorities

* KPIs
  * can only be added or edited by system administrator or by manager

* Assignments

* Functions (Direct subordinates, reports)
* Score Lists

* Progress Lists
  * Will satisfy "Continuous Feedback" (CB)
  * could configure for weekly CB
  * will produce progress reports for the whole year, if you choose to auto generate a list for a year, or whatever you configure
  * commitment values an be numbers, like how many accounts did you create, or by hours, how long have you worked on this task
  * could automate adding repetitive tasks and regular tasks
  * measures: are linked to KPI's, employee will know what he needs to report on and when.



* could create
* could cascade, meaning taking a task from someone else, and finish for them
* subdivide into activities
* Assignment = Bigger task, or project, or initiative, or some objective


* SimpleStrata will give this test version of the application and service, and you set your own KPIs and stuff
* They could help with importing any lists we have, like KPIs and users (information, hierarchy, and ??)
* SimpleStrata Accounts are different from domain accounts
* They said something about sending invite to use the system?? need to ask about that.