

* (2017-12-10)
* Application to measure results and track efforts.
* Groups information into six layers, outer to inner:
* **(6) Forest (Organization)**
* **(5) Trees**, represents hierarchies of (parent - child) relationship. Hierarchies like:
  * Organization structure; Company, Divisions, Departments, Teams, Employees ... etc.
  * Strategy; Priorities, Goals, Objectives, Sub Objectives ... etc.
  * Services; Programs, Initiatives, Projects ... etc.
* **(4) Boards**. A board can represent an objective, an employee space, or a project.
 * The board has its own child boards and it can be linked to other boards.
 * The board is used to group and organize three main types of lists:
   * Priority List
   * Results List
   * Planning List (Efforts)
* **(3) Lists**, 5 predefined lists
  * Priority list acts like a wall where everyone in the organization can add cards and prioritize them.
  * Result list is where the user keep what they need to measure and score.
  * Planning list is where the user can keep their plans, resources, or efforts that they are investing.
  * Score list measures actual versus target for the results that the user would like to achieve.
  * Progress list measures actual versus planned on the user's efforts.
* **(2) Cards**, Cards are the core of the application. They are used to group data and they can be labeled based on the information that you would like to group.
  * Priority card
  * Weight & Results cards
  * Measure card
  * Planning card
  * Commitment card
* **(1) Data Fields**
* PDF gave example of Task Assignments, Function Board, Priorities List, ... and others.




**My Notes**

* Need to come up with a business analogy that maps to SimpleStrata's concepts, to make it easier to adapt, like each board is a project, each list is phase or stage of the project, and each card is a task or issue or concern.
* This might be a nice tool *after* a proper performance management and project management and whatever other management systems are in place, unless the object of this is to provide as-a-service.
* this must be tightly integrated with other means of communications in the company, must be seamless with email and other platforms, must pull in information from different sources, and feed information to different source, also must be a central location for everything where everybody checks-in very often. Adding an extra system to people's already overloaded workdays is not desirable, it should replace other systems.
* Q: how much change will I need to do in the organization? How much training is needed?
* Q: how does this compare to Trello?
* Q: does it have features for intelligence or analytics? this will make it more useful if it can alert if early problems before they get bigger, or warn about budget leaks, or predict if tasks or projects will make the dead line?
* Q: what about security, privacy, data breach, information leaks?
* Q: What is the Twelve-52 methodology?
* Q: In "Score and Progress Lists", pp 15, What do "signatures" mean?
* Q: How do we handle delays and setbacks while reporting progress? and how they calculate?
* Q: Why not take pictures, schedules, and contact details from LDAP?
* Q: will work off of domain accounts? not sharing a single one?


**To Do**

In order to get people on board and make sure they keep the concepts in mind, make an internal company video, make it accessible via the app and on the web, and it should keep encouraging people to use, like telling them to write even the tasks they initiate or are given casually white walking with the manager in the hallway, ...

Put some analytics on the video viewing to measure its effectiveness, this is only for us.

Should collect feedback on using the tool itself for the project to progress and keep improving

Must establish a baseline against which we measure the tool's usefulness in half a year, a year, and more than that.

When rolling out the tool, I prefer to use it on one team only, and the least loaded team at that, once they master and believe in it, they should be the evangelists for the tool, getting other teams on board and helping them.
