# Assessment

[BU Questionnaire Template - Hani A. Alarifi - Confluence](https://confluence.stcs.com.sa/display/~halarifi.c/BU+Questionnaire+Template)

* need to assess allot of things
  * the way we work
  * the problems we have
  * the tools we use
  * Enter all data into a json file for later analysis and visualization
  * Make the results a live document on our "EW" for everybody to correct as things change
  * ... etc.

## Data Sources and Process Flow ?
* Need to id all data sources, establish data ownership, prioritize data ... all to effectively integrate systems and people together.
* Establish service ownership, system ownership, customer account ownership,  and business ownership
* Map data flow, and prioritize

## Processes Assessmemt and Re-engineering

* Make a process maturity model
* optimize processes and their maturity
* keep measring
* Think about cross-team, and cross-departmental processes and tie them together and establish a reporting structure


# BU Questionnaire Template

this is a copy from [BU Questionnaire Template - Hani A. Alarifi - Confluence](https://confluence.stcs.com.sa/display/~halarifi.c/BU+Questionnaire+Template) as of 2018-09-11

## Approach

Give this initiative a name and set of goals and introductions, then keep using those.

Call the initiative/program:
* Fred
* Checkerboard

Give an introduction first

This initiative is a preliminary assessment and gap analysis to establish a baseline of the way we work, and address all issues, and take suggestions to be acted upon and kept in a live document that, if goes well, will guarantee better work, better environment, and better experience for us all.

We want to be nimble organization, where we can respond to market and demand changes quickly and swiftly without the old traditional ways of bureaucracy.

Plus we will tell our story, and how we succeeded.

1. Schedule a meeting with your staff to discuss conducting a full assessment of departmental functions. Explain the assessment process and desired outcomes. Ask for full cooperation from staff members, including feedback and input on the assessment process as well as ideas for improvement.
1. Review the qualifications of individual staff members. Determine if their skills and aptitude are suitably matched to their job assignments. For example, an HR coordinator who has been in a support role for quite some time and completed training on handling employee relations may be interested in an entry-level position in that discipline to further develop her expertise.
1. Audit your department budget. Ensure you have adequate funds to support your department activities -- from department staff compensation to activities such as employee recognition, incentives and training and development materials. Draft a budget proposal for additional funding based on department successes and return on investment in department activities. Use online resources to conduct research on the types of HR activities with the highest return on investment to justify your request for increased department funding.

## Assessment Process and Desired Outcomes

This outlines the process.

This assessment will be "Round 1", if we see good results from it, there will be a "Round 2".

### Gap Analysis
* Reduce work load
* Reduce complexity
* Reduce confusion
* Achieve more
* Optimize
* Organize
* Enjoy work better

## Tools Used
What system, software. services do you use?

* What do you use each one for?
* How good or bad is each?
* What tools you think you need but can't or don't have?
* How can we do better?

What tools and resources do you have access to?

* Software?
* Hardware?
* facilities?
* Training?

Which ones you think you need?

Have you ever requested any?
* which?
* Approved or not?

Do you understand the goals of your work and tasks?

## Automation

* What should be automated?
* What can you automate?
* Who could help you automate?
* How will you monitor and manage automation results?

## KPI's
At first, we need a full list of KPI's for the whole department
* Which do you know about?
* Where can you look them up for review?
* Are they of any help? do they serve a clear purpose?
* Cant they be enhanced?
* Ever thought how they tie into business and to the bigger picture?

## Job & Role
Do you know you job role?
* what are your responsibilities?
* what do you do that is not your work?
* what work do you do ob behalf of others?

Work / Tasks / Jobs
* What consumes your time the most?
* What part of the job do you hate?
* What part do you love?
* If you were to hire new people in your team, what would their titles and job functions be?

## What is the structure of you department?
* Names and titles?
* Who reports to whom?
* Responsibilities of each?
* Can you draw the interactions of work?

### What Services or Products do you provide?
* Describe each (purpose, definition, boundaries, interactions, data flows, processes, ... etc)
* What does your day look like? what do you work on every day?

## Customers

### What customers or types of customers do you serve?
* List all the customers you are involved with
* List all the customer segments
* List the key people you are in contact with

### How do you interact with customers?
* Who are you customers? (inside / outside the company)
* How do you communicate?
* How often do you communicate?
* Who shares knowledge about your customers?
* Do you have a complete log of customers interactions?
* What troubles do you have in interacting with your customers?

## Processes
Everything small thing that goes on is a process. We could easily have hundreds or a thousand processes, the first step is to identify therm, then assess them, the prioritize them, then develop them, the enhance them
* What processes can you identify?
* Which is used or not?
* What are your thoughts on them?

## Interactions

### What interactions do you have inside the company?
* For each: what kind of interactions?
* People within your team or department
* People within your building
* People from other departments
* People from project engagements

### What interactions do you have outside the company?
* Clients
* Vendors
* Partners
* ... etc

## Decision Making

### What decision can you make?
* What are the limits of your authority?
* What areas do you have too much authority on?
* What areas to you need more authority on?

### How do you make decisions?
* What is you decision making process?
* What inputs or people do you rely on for decision making?
* What information do you need to make better decisions?

## Task Management
* How do you assign work/tasks?
* How do you monitor progress?
* Who are the key people you most utilize?
* Is there a way to see all your tasks and all the status in one place?
* If not, can you suggest something? even if imaginary

## Documentation
* How do you document your work?
* How do you maintain documentation?
* What processes can you identify?
* What is worth documenting?
* How should you handle each type of documentation
* Where do you keep all your documents?
* Where do you search for the documents you need?

## General
* What are your biggest problems?
* What do you wish you had?
* What suggestions do you have?
* Keep a communications channel open (via mail or confluence or whatever) to continuously provide feedback.

## Identified problems and gaps from own observation
* Not much clarity from upper management on direction
* Working on stuff not understanding why
* Upper doing way too much work on their own


* Write the before and after success story
* give this initiative a name