# Business Process

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* [Process Maturity Model Can Help Give a Business an Edge](https://www.isixsigma.com/methodology/business-process-management-bpm/process-maturity-model-can-help-give-business-edge/)
* [METHODOLOGY – Bizop Team](http://bizop.co.in/methodology/)

## Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM)
* no standards by which to assess the maturity of business processes
* no method to assess the risk immature processes pose to enterprise IT projects, or to identify the causes of weaknesses in process workflows
* if addressed, could reduce cost and increase operating efficiency
* the Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) is a needed standard for evaluating the capability and maturity of business processes
* an open-standard roadmap for assessing process maturity and guiding business process improvement
* the value and use of BPMM as a model for planning, prioritizing, managing and optimizing a company's overall business process program
* The BPMM describes an evolutionary improvement path that guides organizations as they move from immature, inconsistent business activities to mature, disciplined processes.

## References
* [2 Maturity Models in Business Process Management - Semantic Scholar](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/2-Maturity-Models-in-Business-Process-Management-P%C3%B6ppelbu%C3%9F-Becker/e90a95c5894434dfd0fe35fbb795221ff991624d)
* [OMG | Object Management Group](https://www.omg.org/)